Advances Trail Rides 

Extreme Cowboy/girl Trail 

** Experienced Riders Only **
** Skills will be texted before heading out on trail **


Our advanced trail rides offers an opportunity for experienced riders to experience a more challenging trail ride and be introduced to the world of of competitive trail and endurance riding. For the advanced trail it is necessary for the rider to be able to steer and balance well at the trot…..if they are competent at the lope/canter then that is a bonus….the skill of the rider determines the trails that we choose. Lots of trails and all are challenging in respect to hills and bridge over river crossings etc throughout the beautiful valley…..both on and off property depending on length of the trail


>  1 Hour - $135.00/person 

> 2 Hour - $200.00/person 

> 3 Hour - $275.00/person 


** Ages 12 & up **
All trail rides must be booked and a deposit must be made in advance. If for any reason the trail is cancelled at least 24 hours in advance there will be a 75% refund of the deposit. If the cancellation is same day (less than 24 hour) or a no show a refund will not be provided. However if we cancel it due to poor weather conditions we will contact and reschedule with you. To book please email [email protected]