Women's Saddle Club 

Do you enjoy hitting the trails for some laid back time in the saddle, but always desire a trail riding buddy? Want to get in shape? New to the town? Need some time to do something fun for yourself? In need of a break once in a while from your busy everyday life? Just want the chance to go out for a ride? Our Woman's Saddle Club is an opportunity to hit the trails and meet some new people with the same hobby. At the ranch we have 250 acres of trails for explorations, a wide variety of friendly horses/ponies to match anyone skill level, height, size and a love for trail riding that is hard to match. This club meets three times a month for daytime trails, evening tails, on property trails, off property trails, or whenever we desire to hit the trails. Trail riding not only teaches patience, trust and forgiveness, but it's also a magical experience that gives you a sense of freedom and a feeling of accomplishment. Weather its new to you or a lifelong passion we guarantee that are Women's Saddle Club for women 18+ will be an embarkation on many new unforgettable experiences and a reminder (or eye opener) of the fun you can have being up in the saddle, because at Mountain Creek Ranch "It's Always a Good Day to Ride".