Natural Horsemanship 

          Natural Horsemanship in its simplest description, basically means Zero Tolerance to Bullying for the animal (equine). Furthermore,  in essence it is a training style and philosophy based on mutual trust and communication. Every horse/pony is different and each of them come with various levels of trauma usually This calls for a very intuitive and observant trainer and incremental training sessions working first on building trust and then working through the newly taught style of communication and based on release of gently applied pressure and positive reinforcement of developing skills. Equines have a very subtle style of communication which is primarily silent and conveyed by body language, positioning and facial expressions including the ears. Most people and trainers mistakenly think that one must use force and crops and bullying tactics to persuade their horses/ponies to obey a given cue however the opposite is true: the softer you are; the softer they are and most importantly they must trust you implicitly..... and they will unless one foolishly breaks their trust and then they may not ever reach their potential because of this. It is still critical to be the "leader" of the herd or single horse one is riding and/or training however we believe this is achieved through technique rather than brawn. Building trust and confidence will lead to a very well adjusted, level headed and cooperative riding partner who enjoys your time together as much as you do